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Lyrics to Live By

"When music is your religion, then lyrics are your holy scripture."
- [Sebhar]

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Welcome to "Lyrics to Live By" a collection of... well... lyrics that can serve as a basis for a general outlook on life. Pretty self explanitory.

Created and maintained by [bungalowbill]
Frequented and enjoyed by:
[Disposable Teen]
[.the plastic emo.]

The List (In no discernable order)

1. All you need is love. - The Beatles - "All You Need is Love"

2. Beware of pretty faces that you find--a pretty face can hide an evil mind. - Johnny Rivers - "Secret Agent Man"

3. Everybody loves a joke, but no one likes a fool. - Green Day - "Jackass"

4. You'll have to bury me twice, because the first time I won't lie easily. - Flogging Molly - "Don't Let Me Die"

5. Please don't put your life in the hands of a rock and roll band, who throw it all away. - Oasis - "Don't Look Back in Anger" (courtesy of [Wallstring])

6. We all want to change the world...But when you talk about destruction, don't you know that you can count me out? - The Beatles - "Revolution!" (courtesy of [prairierose])

7. We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl year after year. Running over the same old ground, what have we found? The same old fears. I wish you were here. - Pink Floyd - "Wish You Were Here" (courtesy of [Sebhar])

8. Maybe you don't like your job? Maybe you didn't get enough sleep? Well, nobody likes their job, nobody got enough sleep. Maybe you just had the worst day of your life? But, you know, there's no escape and there's no excuse so just suck up and be nice. - Ani DiFranco - "Pixie"

9. Imagine there's no countries; I wonder if you can. No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people sharing all the world. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one. - John Lennon - "Imagine" (courtesy of [Sebhar])

10. And if I claim to be a wise man, well It surely means that I don't know. - Kansas - "Carry on my Wayward Son"

11. If ignorance is bliss, then knock this smile off my face. - Rage Against The Machine - "Settle for Nothing"

12. If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there. - George Harrison - "Any Road"

13. All that you touch and all that you see, is all your life will ever be. - Pink Floyd - "Breathe"

14. I wanna walk up the side of the mountain. I wanna walk down the other side of the mountain. I wanna swim in the river and lay in the sun. I wanna try to be nice to everyone. - Grandaddy- "The Nature Anthem" (courtesy of [Particle Girl])

15. Don't get strung out by the way I look, don't judge a book by its cover. - Richard O'Brien - "Sweet Transvestite"

16. People talking in movie shows, people smoking in bed, people voting Republican, give them a boot to the head. - Dr. Demento - "Boot to the Head"

17. The lunatic is in my head. You raise the blade, you make the change, you re-arrange me 'til I'm sane. You lock the door and throw away the key. There's someone in my head but it's not me. - Pink Floyd - "Brain Damage" (courtesy of [Silver Lining])

18. I think that you know what to do. Impossible? Yes, but it's true. I think that you know what to do, yeah, I'm sure that you know what to do. - The Doors - "You're Lost Little Girl" (courtesy of [peacefrog])

19. Bad things are just a sign good things will happen in due time. - The Aquabats - "Hello, Good Night"

20. For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder. - The Beatles - "Hey Jude" (courtesy of [.the plastic emo.])

21. Try to realize its all within yourself, no one else can make you change. And to see you're really only very small and life goes on within you and without you. - The Beatles - "Within You Without You" (courtesy of [peacefrog])

22. With our love, we could save the world. If they only knew. - The Beatles - "Within You Without You" (courtesy of [prairierose])

23. We shape our lives by what we see on the TV, and now we're lost not knowing who or what to be. And all our lives, we run and hide, never knowing what's the truth behind the lies; the big disguise they've led us to believe. - Breaking Point - "Reality Show" (courtesy of [Sebhar])

24. So, let's make the most of this beautiful day. Since we're together we might as well say, "Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Won't you be my neighbor? Won't you please, Won't you please? Please won't you be my neighbor?" - Fred Rogers - "Won't you be my neighbor?" (courtesy of [peacefrog])

25. I believe in Karma, what you give is what you get returned. I believe you can't appreciate real love 'til you've been burned. I believe the grass is no greener on the other side. I believe you don't know what you've got until you say good bye. - Savage Garden - "Affirmation" (courtesy of [The Femme Fatale Problem])

26. There's a light in the darkness of everybody's life. - Richard O'Brien - "There's A Light (Over at the Frankenstein Place)" (courtesy of [Sebhar])

27. Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds. - Bob Marley - "Redemption Song" (courtesy of [Sebhar])

28. Its just life, so keep dancing through. - Stephen Schwartz - "Dancing Through Life" (courtesy of [prairierose])

29. How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people? Now that you know who you are, what do you want to be? - The Beatles - "Baby You're a Rich Man" (courtesy of [peacefrog])

30. Love is the answer to most of the questions in my heart; Like why are we here, and where do we go, and how come it's so hard? - Jack Johnson - "Better Together" (courtesy of [peacefrog])

31. People are strange when you're a stranger, faces look ugly when you're alone. Women seem wicked when you're unwanted. The streets are uneven when you're down. - The Doors - "People Are Strange" (courtesy of [Appetite for Destruction])

32. If everyone cared and nobody cried, if everyone loved and nobody lied, if everyone shared and swallowed their pride, then we'd see the day that nobody died. - Nickelback - "If Everyone Cared" (courtesy of [Pirokenetic])

33. It's time we start smiling. What else should we do? With only this short time, I'm gonna be here with you. - George Harrison - "Behind That Locked Door" (courtesy of [peacefrog])

34. Life's too short and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend. - The Beatles - "We Can Work It Out" (courtesy of [prairierose])

35. Friends don’t need one ounce of style, friends lose teeth but not their smiles, friends call just to say hello, friends hold on and don’t let go. - Cherry Poppin’ Daddies - "Irish Whiskey" (courtesy of [Heartless Hooligans])

36. Hanging on is easy when you've got a friend to call, when nothing's making sense at all. You're not the only one who's afraid of change. - Jack Johnson - "Losing Hope" (courtesy of [peacefrog])

37. Sleeping late but were not lazy, getting older but were still crazy. I’m so glad that I have these friends o' mine. - Bowling For Soup - "Friends O' Mine" (courtesy of [prairierose])

38. Life is really only what you make it, stand right up and show them you can take it. Make all your life worth while, come on and smile, darn you, smile. - Sammy Davis Jr. - "Smile, Darn Ya, Smile" (courtesy of [Dorian Gray])

39. Who put all those cares inside your head? You can't live your life on your deathbed. - Devotchka - "Till the End of Time" (courtesy of [peacefrog])

40. Say what you say, do what you do, be what you want just as long as it's real. - Lily Allen - "Take What You Take" (courtesy of [Seamus Schwathe])

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2006-06-19 [Citrine]: Strange, I've noted that same oddity.... and people look at me oddly when I ask what they killed

2006-06-19 [Sebhar]: Y'know, methinks if looks could kill it would have been us instead of him...

2006-06-19 [bungalowbill]: All the children sing!

2006-06-19 [Citrine]: .... and there it goes. I'm listening to Bowie, but overlapped in my mind is now: "What did you kill... [bungalowbill]?"

2006-06-19 [Sebhar]: O.o I'm listening to Bowie too! Phreaky... I always get the part about "he went out tiger-hunting..." etc., up until right around "in case of accidents he always took his mum". That part just repeats... and repeats... and repeats...

2006-06-21 [peacefrog]: He was an all American bastard mother's son.

2006-06-21 [peacefrog]: No offense intended, of course.

2006-06-21 [Sebhar]: Are you thinking that would offend Americans? (Because I'm not offended... although I did hear a country song this morning where some guy was crooning about how there were so many people out there just like him... good for you, pal!)

2006-06-21 [bungalowbill]: Gah, Americans can be very abrasive... but I imagine she was referring to the "bastard" bit.

2006-06-21 [Sebhar]: Americans can be abrasive, yes, but so can Canadians... and Mexicans.. and Israelis... and Brits, in my experience. But the main bit in that statement is 'can be'... because that's probably true of everybody.

2006-06-22 [bungalowbill]: Right, but we tend to be abrasive and stupid. Or at least clueless, especially when we're not in our own culture. I have seen it on several occasions.

2006-06-22 [Sebhar]: Yeah. If I wasn't an American myself, I would tend to lump all Americans into one big, stupid, fat, ugly, abrasive group. Unfortunately for my conscience, I know better.

2006-06-22 [bungalowbill]: The subtle difference is this--obviously one cannot group all Americans as being "big, stupid, fat, ugly and abrasive" (and in fact, anyone who makes that kind of all-inclusive statement is terribly foolish) but as a group, we fit the bill perfectly.

2006-06-22 [Sebhar]: *sigh* that kind of depresses me. It's true... but I'm not going to like it.

2006-06-23 [bungalowbill]: I know. I'm sad for us.

2006-06-24 [peacefrog]: All I was saying was that my brother wasn't a bastard. And although this hasn't led to offense, it has led to depression. Go me...

2006-06-24 [bungalowbill]: Thanks for trying. I'm glad I'm not a bastard. Say hi to mom and dad for me!

2006-06-26 [Sebhar]: And what does one do when one is depressed? Be amused by the Beatles, of course!

2006-07-10 [peacefrog]: I've been thinking of a progressive Beatles mood playlist. It's in its infancy, though.

2006-07-10 [Sebhar]: Well, when it's reached some semblance of maturity, I'd appreciate if you shared it with me...I love playlists!

2006-07-10 [bungalowbill]: Elaborate. Beatles Progressive Mood? BPM? Hmmm...

2006-07-10 [Sebhar]: BPM could stand for all sorts of things. Beatles per Minute, Bailiffs Pleading Murder...

2006-07-10 [bungalowbill]: Generally its "Beats per Minute," but I like Bailiffs Pleading Murder, too...

2006-07-10 [Sebhar]: Birds Pawning Mousetraps...

2006-07-22 [bungalowbill]: Blue Pudding Mountains

2006-07-22 [Sebhar]: Bill Picking Moonbeams.

2006-07-23 [bungalowbill]: ...or Mullberries.

2006-07-23 [Sebhar]: Mullberries work too ^_^

2006-07-25 [bungalowbill]: i still want to know about this mood playlist.

2006-07-25 [Sebhar]: Me too, but the Frog of Peace is oddly silent on the subject..

2006-07-30 [bungalowbill]: Yeah, well, so is everybody but us...

2006-07-30 [Citrine]: *breaks silence in a most dramatic fashion, heralded by asterisks and accentuated by the absolutely unexpecting nature of her audience*

2006-07-30 [Sebhar]: *gasp*

2006-07-30 [bungalowbill]: Curse you and your dramatic entrances!

2006-07-30 [Sebhar]: *shakes fist* Heehee.

2006-07-31 [peacefrog]: Sorry. Dialup has bound and gagged my internet self. I haven't done it yet. I think it could start out all depressive, then angry, then it could transition to happy songs, and all would be right with the world afterwards. I had forgotten about it, now I will have it on the mind. Thankee.

2006-07-31 [Sebhar]: No problem ^_^ Dialup.. those were bad days, for me.

2006-08-03 [peacefrog]: It's like a grumpy old person. In front of you in a car. Anyway, I have done the "angry" and "depressed" sections, now I just need to do "happy."

2006-08-03 [Sebhar]: Good Day Sunshine, Here Comes the Sun...

2006-08-03 [bungalowbill]: Getting Better, Nothin' Shakin' (But the Leaves on the Trees), I've Got A Feeling, For You Blue (of Course)

2006-08-03 [Sebhar]: Ooh, I love "I've Got A Feeling"...

2006-08-04 [Citrine]: ... A feeling I can't hide (oh no)

2006-08-04 [Sebhar]: I wore my Let it Be shirt to work... hence a LOT of singing was going on between Justin, Jeremiah and myself... "Everybody had a good year... everybody let their hair down EXCEPT JEREMIAH!" ... who wears his hair in a ponytail...

2006-08-06 [peacefrog]: It seems to work better at two in the morning. As many things do. Then when I'm coherant I question myself, and usually I'm right. Uh...right the first time- the two in the morning me.

anyway, I've got all the music on there ('cept for Nothin Shakin, not too fond of that one. This will be very biased to my personal tastes, just to warn you all). Now all I have to do is arrange them in a way that flows. While packing to go to Gunni and all...

2006-08-06 [Sebhar]: Just don't leave us hanging much longer, I beg you!

2006-08-12 [peacefrog]: I'll see what I can do.

2006-08-13 [Sebhar]: That was a very... governmental response. ^^

2006-08-16 [peacefrog]: We're doing everything in our capibilities to not get so damn distracted by nothing that it never gets done. I wouldn't make it long in politics. Looks like about half a sentence.

2006-08-16 [Sebhar]: Hey, don't sweat it, I'd be a horrible politician, too. That's why I'm an artist *wink*

2006-08-16 [peacefrog]: And artists can say that sort of thing, because they are honest, if a bit spacey, and a little distractable.

2006-08-16 [bungalowbill]: Huh? Were you talking. Oh, nevermind. I don't really care.

2006-08-16 [Sebhar]: I noticed that really for the first time at work the other day. I can focus on the Sudoku puzzle I'm doing and on my computer screen at the same time, but I'm in my own zone and if anyone, say, in the booth behind me, tries to get my attention, I'm officially not going to notice.

2006-08-16 [peacefrog]: Notification of official non-notice.

2006-08-16 [Sebhar]: Summed up nicely ^^

2006-08-18 [peacefrog]: I have completed the Beatles Progressive Playlist. It is found at Beatles Playlists, which I'm adding to the BAS.

2006-08-18 [Sebhar]: Yay! *clicks away*

2006-08-18 [peacefrog]: I still have a few songs to write down, I'm doing it now.

2006-08-19 [Sebhar]: I must say, I rather adore it ^_^

2006-08-19 [bungalowbill]: Yeah, and we trimmed it so it would fit on a CD.

2006-08-19 [bungalowbill]: No! I lost my Aquabats picture!

2006-08-19 [bungalowbill]: All better. You know, there are some lyrics on here that don't really qualify as Lytolibys.

2006-08-19 [peacefrog]: Like what?

2006-08-19 [bungalowbill]: 7,17,18, and 29 specifically. I'm open to discussion, of course.

2006-08-19 [Sebhar]: Well, personally I think 7 says something to the effect of just staying in the same place or doing the same thing over and over doesn't teach you anything (the last "wish you were here" statement doesn't really apply, I grant you that).

2006-08-19 [peacefrog]: I agree with at least 17.Especially since SilverLining doesn't exist somehow. The others, I think, need some discussion. They don't use second person, sure, but that gets bossy and dull anyway.

2006-08-19 [Sebhar]: I agree with 17, too, actually.

2006-08-19 [peacefrog]: What about 31, eh? That one never made any sense to me.

2006-08-20 [bungalowbill]: Ok, so 7 is a maybe, 17 is gone and 31 probably is too. What about 18 and 29?

2006-08-20 [peacefrog]: 29, the song definitely works, maybe the chosen lyric doesn't so well. How does 18 not apply?

2006-08-21 [bungalowbill]: Neither of them seem like advice, or any kind of life motto or anything. Care to explain to poor addled me?

2006-08-22 [Sebhar]: 18 says (to me) to trust your instincts and not to constantly ask other people for advice... or something. From "Baby You're a Rich Man" the lyric I like is "What did you see while you were there? Nothing that doesn't show..."

2006-08-23 [peacefrog]: yes, right on target there for my intentions, anyway.

*sigh* here we go. Baby You're a Rich Man is chalk full of life-y goodness. The whole theme of the song seems to be that the whole of the person is not dictated by any one thing- that there are more ways to lead a rich life and that there is more than one kind of value. It also, as a secondary message, tells us that we should keep nuturing ourselves "now that [we] know who [we] are" because we're all worthwhile, "beautiful people."

2006-08-23 [Sebhar]: *applauds* That was well-put and parallels my interpretation of the song beautifully.

2006-08-23 [peacefrog]: Thank you. I forgot about links in my CMA (cma? Is that right?) haze, though.

2006-08-23 [Sebhar]: CMA... what do you mean?

2006-08-23 [peacefrog]: It's like, No english classes make me go *whoi*

Ok, so I checked and it's Chicago Manual of Style, or CMS, and MLA, Modern Language Association. I has to use CMS in science papers and MLA in english, except that I don't have an english class.

2006-08-23 [Sebhar]: OOOH. I see. Around here (I live in the center of Redneck Land) CMA is the country music awards. You had me worried!

2006-08-23 [peacefrog]: Uuugh.

2006-08-23 [Sebhar]: Indeed. :S

2006-08-23 [bungalowbill]: You have a knack for finding long idle elftowners. This one is 689 days gone. And "Baby You're a Rich Man" stays, on account of an excellent argument on its behalf. Any other entries?

2006-08-23 [peacefrog]: Any other entries of what?

2006-09-02 [Sebhar]: Spammage! I love it!

2006-09-02 [peacefrog]: Yeah, it's awesome.

2006-09-02 [Sebhar]: [Sebhar] Ooh! Self-spamming!

2006-09-02 [peacefrog]: Whheeee...

2006-09-02 [Sebhar]: Or... wait for it... Lyrics to Live By Yay!

2006-09-27 [peacefrog]: I can't think of any more lyrics. This troubles me.

2006-09-28 [bungalowbill]: It pleases me that I didnt have to spam my wiki.

2006-09-28 [peacefrog]: You don't have to spam any wiki.

2006-09-28 [Sebhar]: Oh, Spam...

2006-09-28 [peacefrog]: even in the shape of a weird face.

2006-09-28 [Sebhar]: Spam makes me giggle. With a kind of disgust.

2006-09-28 [peacefrog]: It always makes me sad, for some reason. Potted Meat Food Product makes me giggle.

2006-09-29 [Sebhar]: What kind of meat is it, anyway?

2006-09-29 [peacefrog]: The potted food product kind?

2006-09-29 [Sebhar]: yeah... what is it?

2006-09-29 [peacefrog]: Raccoon? Elephant? Dibbler variety?
Spam is unwanted Ham.

2006-09-29 [Sebhar]: The real question is, who wants unwanted meat?

2006-09-29 [peacefrog]: Presumably no one. This is not the case.

Must be the same people that dumpster dive at the end of the school year: "I found a carton of juice."

2006-09-30 [Sebhar]: *wince*

2006-09-30 [peacefrog]: veritably.

2006-09-30 [Sebhar]: It's the same reason hot dogs are uneatable as far as I'm concerned.

2006-09-30 [peacefrog]: I eat them once in a blue moon, and try not to think about them.

2006-09-30 [Sebhar]: *shudder* I can't. My brain, heart, soul, and body all revolt.

2006-09-30 [peacefrog]: It's social hotdogging. Also, I never get the kind that are mystery meat anyway, just strange bits of turkey. I can handle strange bits of turkey, I've seen them all before in my grandmother's gravy.

2006-09-30 [Sebhar]: O.O

2006-09-30 [peacefrog]: that signifies horror, I take it?

2006-10-01 [Sebhar]: Mortification, at the very least.

2006-10-01 [peacefrog]: I learned when I was about ten that the reason the gravy was always so good was the giblets. Then I learned what giblets were.

2006-10-01 [Sebhar]: Not always pleasant is knowledge.

2006-10-01 [peacefrog]: Ok, thanks, Yoda.

Yeaah. I didn't eat gravy that year. I had a whole year to overcome my fear of gravy, though, and ate it again next year.

2006-10-01 [Sebhar]: Sometimes I feel like Yoda. Or a fortune cookie. Or both.

2006-10-01 [peacefrog]: Sometimes I feel like a potato. Hah!

2006-10-01 [Sebhar]: How many eyes do you have?

2006-10-01 [peacefrog]: At least one, not counting the debatable third forehead inner eye.

2006-10-01 [Sebhar]: Hmm... potatoes!

2006-10-01 [peacefrog]: Yumm. Now I know what to have for supper.

2006-10-02 [Sebhar]: I'll probably wind up with peanut butter again.

2006-10-02 [peacefrog]: That'd be good too.

2006-10-02 [Sebhar]: Mmm... food.

2006-10-02 [peacefrog]: Yeah, that's also a good choice.

2006-10-02 [Sebhar]: I'm quite thirsty also.

2006-10-02 [peacefrog]: In addition to drink.

2006-10-02 [Sebhar]: Yay for food and drink!

2006-10-02 [bungalowbill]: you guys are making me hungry.

2006-10-02 [peacefrog]: I actually went and ate something after this, so you're not the only one.

2006-10-02 [Sebhar]: As did I... pasta and tea.

2006-10-02 [peacefrog]: I just had pasta, only I didn't have the forsight to make tea.

2006-10-03 [Sebhar]: I love tea. With a passion.

2006-10-03 [peacefrog]: Teea!

2006-10-04 [Sebhar]: Green tea!

2006-10-04 [peacefrog]: Red tea!

2006-10-04 [bungalowbill]: Black tea?

2006-10-04 [peacefrog]: White tea!

2006-10-04 [Sebhar]: Purple tea! ...wait...

2006-10-05 [peacefrog]: I think that's about it...

2006-10-06 [Citrine]: There is {earl} grey tea.

2006-10-06 [peacefrog]: But that's black tea isn't it?

2006-10-06 [bungalowbill]: Tecnically, yes. It's a stretch, but I accept Grey Tea.

2006-10-06 [peacefrog]: Tea actually comes in many colors, and most of them aren't the ones that they're named for.

2006-10-07 [bungalowbill]: Let's see, we have brown tea... uh... maybe green tea... any others?

2006-10-08 [peacefrog]: well red tea is actually red. White tea is actually opaque tea. magenta tea, in the case of cranberry apple. mmm...tea...

2006-10-09 [Sebhar]: I love tea. So much. *sips on some strange but wonderful mix called "sleepytime"*

2006-10-09 [Citrine]: We have that, Hannah! "Sleeptime Exract" or whatnot? Yeah...

2006-10-09 [peacefrog]: I don't ever drink that because I don't like the name.

2006-10-09 [Citrine]: I don't think it's very good.
Oh my gosh!!! It's almost seven!

2006-10-10 [Sebhar]: I don't think that's it... There's no extract in the name.


2006-10-10 [peacefrog]: No, no, Sleepytime Tea. I don't drink it. I just go "eeeh" and pass on to Country Peach Passion. Silly tea companies.

And, in other news, I don't know what you guys are talking about. Probably school.

2006-10-10 [Sebhar]: Country Peach Passion = amazing! Yay for it!

In still other news, I hate political parties.

2006-10-10 [Citrine]: I like Bottled Diet Green Tea. Mm...

In old news, WAAAAAH! I wanted HAAAAANNAAAAAH!!

2006-10-10 [Sebhar]: I'm sorry darling! Any chance of tonight?

2006-10-10 [Citrine]: Quite possibly.
Would you
could you
call me?

Anytime and I will make time... or die trying!

2006-10-11 [Sebhar]: We've had this discussion, darling...

2006-10-11 [Citrine]: I know... but that was after I typed this. :P

2006-10-12 [Sebhar]: art thou calling tonight?

2006-10-12 [bungalowbill]: No.

2006-10-12 [peacefrog]: Me either, in case you wanted to know.

2006-10-14 [Citrine]: When did you write this? Is it Friday? If it's Friday, I WANNA CALL!

(p.s. she wasn't talking to you two! we're taking advantage of this messaging space!)

2006-10-14 [peacefrog]: Yes, I should think you'd know we're sarcastic bastards by now.

2006-10-14 [bungalowbill]: Shya.

2006-10-16 [Citrine]: You two-- sarcastic? bastards? Never!

2006-10-16 [peacefrog]: Not us...

2006-10-18 [Sebhar]: I wouldn't think so EVER. ^_^

2006-10-18 [Citrine]: *is drenched in sarcasm*

2006-10-18 [peacefrog]: *blub, blub, blub*

2006-10-18 [bungalowbill]: We lost our Harrison picture!

2006-10-18 [peacefrog]: I can see it. THere seems to be a mysterious dissappearance of the Doors, though.

2006-10-19 [Sebhar]: Alas and alack!

2006-10-19 [peacefrog]: It's back. Your page is haunted.

2006-10-20 [Sebhar]: Don't joke about haunting. My van is haunted. It randomly plays "Revolution 9" all by itself. Also, it always thinks the gas tank is empty and the check engine light blinks on and off.

2006-10-20 [Citrine]: That, my dear, is because your van is a fossil.

2006-10-20 [Sebhar]: No it's not! It's darling and I love it! When you're here we'll go tailgating!

2006-10-20 [peacefrog]: No. Everything is haunted. Especially phones shaped like cars or cars shaped like phones and Sebhar's van.

2006-10-20 [Citrine]: Heehee.... Billie Joe...

2006-10-23 [Sebhar]: Actually, Paul renamed it. It is now the Lean Mean Green Bean Submarine Machine... thus making me the Queen of the Lean Mean Green Bean Submarine Machine. Despite the fact that it is not green.

2006-10-23 [Citrine]: Aw... and now you're taking orders from a freshman? Pffffft!

2006-10-27 [Mekashef]: How about "Truth is a whisper and only a choice" (from the Goo Goo Dolls' song, Truth is a Whisper.

2006-10-27 [Sebhar]: Paul is a special case...

2006-10-27 [Citrine]: Look at those rolling things... they are my eyes!

2006-10-27 [Sebhar]: oh pish tosh! He's like my favourite!

2006-10-28 [Citrine]: I thought Kiwi trumped him... =/

2006-11-20 [Sebhar]: Kiwi basically trumps everybody. Can I have Kiwi? Likely not.

2006-11-20 [Citrine]: And whyever not? I thought things were peachykeen with yutwo... as translated by his food...

2006-11-20 [Sebhar]: It's true... it's just not something we ever talk about. He did hug me the other day, though... and then raped my ears with his fingers... and then the rest of the band stopped playing pep band music and everyone heard me yell "rape!" really loud.

2006-11-20 [Citrine]: lol.... that's band for ya... teehee...

2006-11-20 [Sebhar]: ...DIARY!

2006-11-20 [Citrine]: .... SEENIT! (or did you mean LJ?)

2006-11-21 [Sebhar]: ...both, actually ^_^
I LOVE... life. Weird. :S

2006-11-21 [peacefrog]:'ve alienated us, here. From what I can discern, you were raped by a fuzzy green fruit.

2006-11-21 [Citrine]: Yep, that's the gist of it.

2006-11-23 [bungalowbill]: Thank god someone recapped. I didn't want to read all that, so I was holding my tongue.

2006-11-23 [Citrine]: <img:img/mood/44166_1164144892.gif>

<img:img/mood/44166_1164145147.gif> ... I just emoticonned you!

2006-11-26 [peacefrog]: NOOOO!

2006-11-26 [Sebhar]: ...that emoticon is GREEN! Like the fuzzy fruit I've been hanging out with! GOOFY!

2006-11-26 [Citrine]: You mean the INSIDE of the fuzzy fruit, genius... the fuzzy part happens to be BROWN.

P.S. You calla me sometime, Kaner?

2006-11-27 [peacefrog]: I want a kiwi now, darn it...

2006-11-29 [Sebhar]: Maybe... dunno...
Me too, PF, don't worry!

2007-03-10 [bungalowbill]: 3/10/07 - My senior show is done! Now I have time enough that I: Added new lyrics (Thanks for the submissions guys ([Seamus Schwathe] and [peacefrog] inclusive), it makes me think people are still interested) and fixed some icky broken images. Just remember to keep dancing through, everybody. And also [prairierose].

2009-02-01 [Pirokenetic]: Not sure how many remember but it's Piro, im back for now, just spreadin the word

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